Presenter / Speaker
- MASH: Beer-&-Poem Pairings (YouTube playlist)
- BARK & BARD: Reading Poems to Dogs (YouTube playlist)
- PO-JOE: Coffee-&-Poem Pairings (YouTube playlist)
- DISTILL: Spirit-&-Poem Pairings (YouTube playlist)
- “Love and Heartbreak” oral story (USA Today‘s Storytellers Project, 2/20/19)
- “Magical Thinking” oral story (The Bard’s Confession, 7/9/19)
- “The Sounds of Healing” oral story (at 59:15) (The Bard’s Confession, 2/3/20)
- “How a Poem Happens” presentation (Pecha Kucha, 10/15/15)
- “The Big Funny” comedy bit for Kristina Hall’s “Stand Up! The Workshop” (3/2/14)
- Article about my poem-and-booze pairings (Longmont Times-Call, 4/25/16)
- Article about “What Unfolds” exhibit, with photo of my piece (Longmont Times-Call, 3/16/17)
- “Women, Art, and Teaching Communities” interview with Melissa A. Rosati (31 Voices March radio show, 3/13/12)
- “Theory of Evolution,” “Dorothy Gale: The Post-Oz Years,” “Dance,” “Hold Fast” (Colorado Poets Center)
- “Blue Sings a New Tune,” (Full Bleed, “Materials” issue, Issue 6, 2023)
- “His/Hers” and “Elegy for Chuck Yeager” (The Inflectionist Review, Issue 16, July 2023)
- “Nancy Drew the Line 14 Times, Then Flipped,” “The Proverbial Actions Speak,” “Elegy for the Mouse Trap Game,” “Election Night 2020, Ending with a Text from the Friend Who’s the Emergency Contact on My Medical Forms,” “Dylan Thomas Loses His Sh*t, Borrowing Post-Postmodernist Epithets from Richard Marx’s Twitter Feed” (L=Y=R=A, Issue 1, 2023)
- “Sinew” (Bending Genres, Issue 31, February 14, 2023)
- “Midlife” (Gyroscope Review, Fall Crone Power Issue 2023, Issue 23–4), p. 17 [PDF p. 18]
- “For the Deflated in December” (Eclectica, October/November 2023)
- National Poetry Month interview with Esther Hayes, April 2023, Loveland Public Library
- “The Way Back” / “N – Nitrogen 7” / “Face” (YouTube video, Boulder Valley Media Alliance’s public-access TV channel 22, November 4, 2009)
- “Dorothy Gale: The Post-Oz Years” (Laurie Boris‘s blog, 11/30/10)
- “H – Hydrogen 1” (DIAGRAM 9.6)
- “Two Takes After Russell Edson” (Boulder Weekly, 10/15/15)
- “To a Mother in Washington Market Park” (Painted Bride Quarterly, Issue 68, 2002)
- “The Promenade” (Gallery & Studio Arts Journal)
- “Gouache” poem response to Sally Elliott‘s painting “Upstream Mussels,” in “Write, I See” exhibit co-presented by Lighthouse Writers Workshop and Arts Student League of Denver (Jennifer Heath’s Water, Water Everywhere blog, October 24, 2015)
- Poems published in Many Mountains Moving, Paterson Literary Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Alimentum, Rock & Sling, Light, Matter, Mad Poets Review, Schuylkill Valley Journal of the Arts, La Petite Zine, Mountain Gazette, Arts Perspective, Writers Notes Magazine, Boulder Poetry Map, and the anthologies Bum Rush the Page: A Def Poetry Jam, di-vêrsé-city, An Eye For An Eye Makes The Whole World Blind: Poets On 9/11, Off the Cuffs: Poetry By and About the Police, Beloved on the Earth: 150 Poems of Grief and Gratitude, Rabbit Ears: TV Poems, Don’t Blame the Ugly Mug: Ten Years of Two Idiots Peddling Poetry, You Can Hear the Ocean: An Anthology of Classic and Current Poetry, The Doll Collection